School. Work. Meetings. Homework.
Supper. Dishes. Laundry. Football practice.
Dance class. School projects. More laundry. More dishes.
Milkin’ cows.
These are the things that my days are made of lately.
Since school and the kids’ extracurricular activities are in full swing once again in our neck of the woods, it seems like our lives have been turned upside down with barely a minute to spare. Because this year, moreso than any in recent memory, we’re always on the go and rushing around like chickens with our heads cut off.
Which is a freaky little Nightmare To Go if you actually picture it.
On second thought, don’t. It’s too weird.
I know the routine will become old hat (whatever that means) soon enough and we will adjust to the crazy schedule that has become our lives for the next nine months. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Even in the craziness of it all, every time I turn on the TV and see another tropical sumpthinother spinning off the coast of Africa, I am reminded of just how blessed we are to be able to have laundry and dishes that need cleaning. And a comfortable home to do it all in. We are blessed BEYOND MEASURE. And I will never forget that. But it’s these crazy, ‘don’t have a minute to spare’ days that bring back fond memories of a simpler time not too long ago. Where the only thing awaiting my attention was my family. And a big ole hunk of School Bread. In a place where we had all the time in the World. Or at least, enough of it to spare a minute or two doing absolutely nothing. And everything. All at the same time.
It was on one of those such days that we fell in love. With the Yacht Club.
You could say it was love at first sight, I suppose. We’d definitely gotten to know each other pretty well prior to our first date, and even though we’d never laid eyes on each other or spent even five minutes alone together, I felt pretty sure we wouldn‘t be disappointed. Or end up hauling tail and calling my sister and asking her to pick us up after we ended the date prematurely. For good reason. Like that one time before.
No, this would be no sophomoric crush gone bad. Of that I was sure.
As we unloaded the van and made our way into the joint for the first time, we were some kind of happy. Yellow, even. And with each new discovery that we made that week, each moment spent relishing the relaxed atmosphere, the close proximity to our favorite park, every night spent swimming in the pristine (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!) waters of the best pool on property, we fell that much harder.
In short: we’d totally marry the Yacht Club. If that wasn’t…like…all weird and stuff.
As we entered the YC lobby that morning, we noticed that although the lobby itself isn’t as big and impressive as the AKL or WL, there was something pretty cool going on towards the back of the joint that none of those other places had. Past the biggest globe of all time. Through the doors that overlooked Crescent Lake, the boat dock, and the walkway to Epicot. Our Epicot. It was the hint of fun times yet to come and it made us all completely giddy.
As we approached the front desk that morning, one of the CMs noticed my husband’s birthday pin and wished him a Happy Birthday. Loudly. My man, seizing the opportunity, immediately cocked his finger and pointed it at her (so as to REALLY put her on the spot) and threw back, “How old do you think I am?”
This would be a recurring theme for us for the rest of the day. They always came with the cheery “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!“ and then immediately fell silent when put on the spot. With the finger. As my husband waited.
She stammered for a second or two and eventually came back with some number that was completely bogus. Like twelve. Pleased with himself, he announced, “Actually, I’m forty today.“ And then he smiled. As his shiny teeth sparkled and made the “ding!” sound. Like a Colgate commercial. Knowing he’s lookin’ good at forty. She acted appropriately flabbergasted, as did everyone within earshot, and all was well with the world.
With that out of the way, we got down to bidness.
We were given our little packet of paperwork goodness and once our room assignment was complete (we opted for a room with a daybed at her suggestion because “there are children in our party”...and she was right, the girl dug having the daybed and the boy thought having his own queen bed on vacation was the bomb diggity), we were surprised to hear that our room was ready. We were checking in well before lunch and had fully expected to have some time to waste before The Annual Jumping on the Beds Celebration. But we were thrilled to hear otherwise.
So we turned around, shimmied off toward our wing, snagged way too many cups of ice cold water (for FREEEE!!!) while avoiding eye contact with the uppity CM sitting near the water jug, took the elevator on up to the 4th floor, found our room.... and did the Hoedown Throwdown.
We were in a perfect location, just across from the elevator, in a corner section. For the length of the trip, we barely saw anyone in our neck of the woods. Gave us the feeling that we had the whole place to ourselves. Which we LOVED. Because when you spend most of your days in a theme park rubbing shoulders with the tired, the poor, the unwashed huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of others’ teeming shores, coming back to a resort where you’re under the illusion that your family could very well be the only family on the entire floor is a very welcome change of pace.
Plus no one’s there to witness you acting your goofiest en route to the elevator each day. Except the other goofballs you either married or gave birth to. And unfortunately (for them), they’re stuck with you.
The room itself wasn’t too shabby. And the beds would turn out to be the most comfortable we've ever experienced at Disney. Loved those stinkin' beds!
The kids zeroed in on this spiffy little lamp on the desk and thought it was the coolest thing ever...
One of DH’s favorite features: the slightly strange but extremely useful mini shelf.
He unloaded the contents of his pockets and laid his watch to rest on it every night. For some reason, that’s just coolness personified to him. A dedicated space to store his loose change and pocket knife (because you never know when you may need to peel an apple or clean your toenails on the run) makes his socks go up and down.
Then again, he is twelve.
We immediately kicked off our flip flops, rubbed our feet on the hard carpet and deemed it satisfactory. We then turned on the TV just to hear Stacy’s voice as we explored (while cursing ourselves for it) and found ourselves shocked at how much bigger this room seemed than any of the other ones we’d stayed in to date. The storage space was WAY more than we were used to. There seemed to be so much extra room, and although we were initially bummed with the view from the balcony (a big magnolia tree), oddly enough, we grew to love it because it completed the secluded vibe we loved about that room location. Plus the balcony area was huge! It was easily twice the size of the balconies at AKL.
Cool little snack shelves...
Man, I miss that room!
Once we had everything sitchated, we donned our pool gear, grabbed the beach bag and our beloved Keys to the Food and headed downstairs to find some grub and finally get our Stormalong Bay groove on.
But not before stopping long enough to check out the gift shop and admire this little sweetheart...
For MONTHS the boy (aka: my partner in crime) and I had watched videos of the resort as we shared a few giggles and oohed and ahhhed and dreamed about what it would be like to actually be there. Shoving our toes into the sand on the bottom of the pool and dominating Waterslide Olympics on a pirate ship.
During that time of anticipation, one of our favorite things to do was watch a slideshow of Stormalong Bay. It’s set to a Caribbean sounding beat and we spent many a day watching that slideshow and being impressed with photos of the place. You can find some pretty amazing shots of the pool area that the Yacht and Beach Club share. I know. I believe we saw just about every one there was to be seen in the months leading up to our trip. But I’m here to tell you: there’s no way any of those pictures do it justice. The place is massive, impeccably themed, downright gorgeous, and the architecture just screams classic Disney to me. Plus, with all the different themed areas, it’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

It took a ton of restraint, but after we showed our room key and received our wristbands and towels at the entrance to the pool, we kept our minds focused on the pursuit of food instead of the pursuit of another gold medal. Hi ZZUB!
We strolled over to Hurricane Hanna’s and grabbed a table beside the walkway to Epcot.
The food at Hurricane Hanna’s is your typical CS meal. It's okay, but nothing to write a trip report about, really. The kids and my husband enjoyed their burgers while I enjoyed my salad.
But what’s not typical about H2 is the experience. There aren’t very many times that you can enjoy a meal with your family while being sandwiched between some of the prettiest scenery around. To the left of us was SAB with its expertly landscaped and aqua blue coolness...
We sat in between, in our swimsuit cover ups and flip flops. Alternately enjoying both views and our meal together while singing along to Jimmy Buffet’s “Margaritaville” (the ultimate two minute vacation), watching a family of ducks casually making their way between families riding surrey bikes on the walkway, feeling the breeze blow through our hair, looking forward to the rest of our trip, and just downright enjoying the heck out of life.
While enjoying a few of these....

Once we finished eating and tore ourselves away from the relaxed atmosphere along the walkway, we decided to Cupid Shuffle on over and shove our feet in some sand.
We hit the lazy river first and spent a LONG time floating around on our noodles. The ones we’d brought from home that measured roughly one foot in circumference. No wimpy noodles for the LaLas! Go big or go home. Either they spiked the beverage refill station at H2’s or we were Full On Vacation Giddy that day because I don’t remember a time when the four of us have acted so darn….silly. And given absolutely no thought to what we must have looked like to others. Well, not in recent memory anyway. The man was in rare form for his 40th and had all of us rolling with laughter as we floated around the lazy river.
Trying to be lazy. But not succeeding.
Case in point.
It was about this time that I notice a young boy swimming in the middle of the 8 foot section. He wasn’t anywhere near his family, his head was bobbing in and out of the water and he was quietly calling for help. In a barely audible, jagged voice. Probably because of that whole Mama thing, every nerve ending I have came alive and after eyeing him for a second and assessing the situation, I sprang into action. Convinced this kid is drowning and so weak he‘s not able to work up the energy to yell loud enough for his parents to hear, I take off across the pool, make it to him in two strokes, grab his arm and guide him onto my Titanic sized pool noodle. It’s at this point that he dissolves into a fit of laughter and I hear his parents behind me yell, “JEFFREY! STOP PLAYING AROUND AND GET OVER HERE!“ He giggles again and swims off. Like Michael Freakin’ Phelps! Leaving me and my red Baywatch noodle, wide eyed and confused, in his wake.
I believe that children are our future.
Teach them well and let them lead the way.
We eventually made our way around to the other sections of SAB. Our favorites were….well, all of them. But it was especially hard to pull the kids away from Sinking Sands.
The idea of a sand bottomed pool with a mystery hole periodically opening up underneath your feet didn’t necessarily sound like a good time to me, especially after being shell shocked by a fake drowning. But it was very cool.
The water depth is pretty shallow, considering, and the only thing that’s ever really in danger of sinking is your foot because the hole itself seems to only go down about six-eight inches or so. Give or take. Unless you consciously SHOVE your foot further down. Which we did. Cause that’s how we roll. But once that hole opens up, everybody and their brother is clamoring to get their foot in there. And get sunk. Which is lots of fun. If you like playing footsie with strangers. And loving thy neighbor. We spent a long time hanging out there. Again, relaxing and being goofy. I have to admit, I spent MANY afternoons and nights shoving my feet into that sand bottomed pool and wishing I didn’t ever have to leave. Like a kid. It was just the coolest feeling and I now want a sand bottomed pool in my backyard.
Complete with a kick butt water slide.
We had saved the best for last and spent the rest of the afternoon climbing up the cool as all get out pirate ship and sliding our way to happiness.

The view from the top on all sides...
Looking this way at night, you can see the fireworks from the Magic Kingdom lighting up the sky over the resort. I sat here one night just drinking in the sight and trying to memorize it. It was beautiful. And very, very cool.

Aside from the waterparks, I have never been on a slide that’s as fast as this one. Good googly GOO, you haul butt on this baby! The initial section of the slide is in an enclosed tube and is kind of dark. And hot. And the rivets smack your butt and elbows on the way down.
Not very cool.
But as you get to the end of that section, you take a little dip then bank to the left and really begin to pick up speed.
Once you’re out in the open, you accelerate even faster as the curves pick up and the drop off looms in the distance, and just as you feel yourself about to flip over, you splash down. Swim over to the side. Feel your toes brush against the sand on the bottom. And jump out, ready to do it all over again.
In a word: OUT-standing!
Normally either I will take the kids on the slide or my husband will take the kids on the slide. While the other one sits on the sideline taking pictures and nursing a smoothie. But since this was a special occasion, we all competed in the Waterslide Olympics as a family. And we could NOT get enough.
After about the third slide, the lifeguard noticed that DH was attempting to make himself go faster by laying down the entire ride. And trying his hardest to splash every ounce of water in the pool into the bushes with his size 11s. He called him over to the side and gave him some tips that would make him go even faster. Basically, you’re supposed to slide on nothing but your feet and shoulders for maximum speed.
“Hold your butt up and don’t let any part of your swim trunks touch the slide“, he says.
On the next go round, my husband took his advice. And just to plus it, he slid on nothing but his heels and head. The man ended up going Mach 3 with his hair on fire. Because he felt the need....the need for speed.
Best we can tell, he landed somewhere around Bermuda and has yet to be heard from since.
It was that fast.
After taking every gold medal ever made, we decided to slow it down a bit. The rest of the afternoon was spent just enjoying the moment. Taking full advantage of all of those minutes we had to spare. The ones I so long for on days like today. We were as far away from school, work, meetings, homework, supper, dishes, laundry, football practice, dance class, school projects, more laundry, more dishes and milkin’ cows as we could be. We were in another world.
Both in body and in mind.
We spent our time relaxing and sipping smoothies while watching our children swim and cut up. Makes my heart happy just remembering it.
But before long, it was time to head back to the room in order to get cleaned up for DH’s birthday dinner. Which is exactly what we did. And in the process, we experienced the Incident that sparked the horrible thought that maybe, just maybe, that newly discovered, deep abiding love we have for the Yacht Club could possibly turn out to be an unrequited love.
And that the bus for Pop Cent'reh would show up at ANY moment to escort us back where we belong.
In other words: we broke 'em in real proper like.
In the way that only my family can.
ReplyDeleteI heart the Yacht Club. I, too, would marry it if that wasn't weird. What an awesome detailing of your inauguration into SAB. Your pictures are outstanding, and way better than any that schmuck ZZUB takes. Did you get a fancy new lens? No? Hmmmm...sure looks like it.
I really could perfectly picture every single thing about your afternoon as I read it.
Except the smoothie.
Y'all really strike me as the "tie one on while the Disney lifeguards watch our kids in SAB" type.
Heh heh. You know I'm kidding. What you REALLY strike me as, is the Mama who could have ten Disney lifeguards honing in on JUST your children, and you'd STILL be laser focused on them yourself. In that big ole pool with all the deep water.
What about the little joker pretending to drown? DED!! That's something my son would do. After he pegged someone in the head "on accident" while he's throwing a ball to his Daddy.
I love the new decor in the YC rooms. The cornice makes the place look pretty fancy, I think. And my DH loved storing his pocket contents on the cool little shelf, too.
As much as I loved me some Kidani Village, I am pining for the YC right about now. It's my hands down favorite in all of WDW.
Great way to start a cool Sunday morning in Georgia.
Or is it? Cause now I wish I was getting ready for a day at Disney World instead of lacing up my kicks for a pre-church run. Dang you, LaLa!!!
Lala wrote, "He called him over to the side and gave him some tips that would make him go even faster. Basically, you’re supposed to slide on nothing but your feet and shoulders for maximum speed.
ReplyDelete'Hold your butt up and don’t let any part of your swim trunks touch the slide,' he says."
And now that you've given away the secret to winning gold medals at Waterslide Olympics, I imagine you'll also be giving away KFC's secret recipe, tell us where Osama bin Laden is, explain the formula for the BCS and tell us who killed Jon Benet Ramsey (Hi Mel!).
DUDE!!!!! Don't be sharing the secrets of how to go faster!!!
And, more to the point, thank you for finally admitting that you had no earthly clue before some minimum wage earning CM finally spilled ZZUB's secret weapon. It's all about lessening the friction.
And another thing, I've got no beef with Mr. LaLa (other than he obvious was drunk when he proposed), but he (and evidently Roger as well) sleep on THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED! You're supposed to sleep on the right side! Duh.
But, if that shelf was on the right side, I'd be digging it too. But it's not. It's on the left side. Which is th wrong side. As even Ashclan would tell you now that she's come to realize Obama is every bit as bad as we told her he was.
Jesting aside, LaLa, you can spin a mighty interesting yarn. I really enjoyed this chapter. I liked the picture of the sign you started with and appreciated that it wasn't completely irrelevant. NOAuburnfootball. It was fun to read about your first day at YC and I'm intrigued by the cliff hanger. I just KNEW the LaLas bought themselves a peck of trouble. B/c that IS how you roll it.
Speaking of which, Roll Tide (and also, Go State!). Here's a tip for my fellow football watching friends: if you normally watch TV in HD and the game you want to watch is on ESPN Gameplan and you have to pay $24.99 to watch it, DON'T! They don't broadcast Gameplan games in HD and the image/sound quality is roughly equivalent to the new hot dog buns at Casey's. No lie. It was so bad, that I called my cable provider at half time and insisted they refund my money. It was more enjoyable to watch the LSU game and keep track of the Bama game on my iPhone than it was to squint at the blurry images. NOLindsayLohan.
NM: you run before church?! Freak.
Oh sweet LaLa. That was awesome! Your pictures are beautiful and I was totally there with you. We loved our stay at the Beach Club a few years ago and that pool is like no other. I am seriously bummed though because I didn't know about sinking sands? What the hay? How did I miss that?
ReplyDeleteWe skipped a few planned meals in order to hang by the pool and eat at HH's. They had a chicken wrap deal that we loved and you are right, it is just a beautiful spot to eat.
I've got YC on my short list of places I want to stay. I believe we are going to try the Boardwalk next, but I dunno.... after looking at your pictures and revisiting that pool, you might have changed my mind. What a great way to ring in your 40th!!!! Mr. LaLa had to be in hog heaven. Way to go La!
Freak-a-ZZUB said:
ReplyDeleteDUDE!!!!! Don't be sharing the secrets of how to go faster!!!
Do you really think it matters, ZZUB? Really. It's not like I spilled the beans about how to score a previously unattainable ADR or told the whole world that you COULD use the refillable mug for life.
And as bad as I hate to admit it, you and Mr. LaLa aren't as different as it may appear when it comes to sleeping arrangements. Let's see if you can follow this one: The shelf may be on the left side, but does that automatically mean he SLEPT there? No it does not. The man sleeps on the side that's closest to the alarm clock. Always. Because, lest you forget, it's all about The Time. Even when he's asleep.
Thanks for the props though, Z. Glad you enjoyed reading this one. But....I notice a distinct lack of love for my pics. What's up with that?! I refuse to write anything else until you've shown the proper amount love for my pics.
Or do I?
NM: Girl, you KNOW we tie one on while our kids are swimming. Except we don't. The only smoothies we nurse are the non-alcoholic kind. And they are some kinda good. I was a HUGE fan of the sour apple freeze until DH discovered the raspberry lava colada sumpthinother. Now that's my go-to poolside smoothie.
Glad you enjoyed the installment and pics and I hear you on reading about it making you want to go back. Writing it does that for me as well. Right now I've got one foot out the door, wishing it was pointed toward Lake Buena Vista way and Stormalong Bay. But I'm with Z: what's up with you running before church? I thought Sunday was a day of rest. Seems like it's one more day for progress.
Take it, Haley.....
Frick! MmmmYello. Thanks for the sweet comments, girl. I know yall love you some Beach Club, who wouldn't with access to that pool? And don't sweat missing Sinking Sands, just chalk it up as a reason to return.
What an AWESOME TR installment!! Wow, La, I've always said that you take us right there with you but you have exceeded expectations yet again. And I SO want to be there right now....
ReplyDeleteThough I've had a few stays at the BC, I have never stayed at YC, and now I want to in the worst way! Those rooms look beautiful, and I'm never gonna refuse the chance to hang at SAB. Frick, I also knew nothing of the sinking sands. Meet ya there in a few so we can check it out ; )
And although it really really kills me to kinda sorta agree with ZZUB (NO, not about Obama), I was thinking the same thing about
"side of the bed" when I was reading this. Cause as much as I like to be on the side with the alarm clock, I am still always a left side of the bed kinda girl. So I would be ME (NOMagicalExpress) (props to Frick) loving that lil shelf. Mainly so I'd have a place to put my phone and/or my travel alarm clock (or both). Because sometimes, yes, it is all about the time. (Though not as often as Mr. La thinks it is.)
Thanks for brightening up my morning, girl! This was one for the TR hall of fame, for sure!!
Love it, La!! DED over the Mach sliding, this from the girl that firmly pants her hiney down (and sits up) on the Keister Coaster so that she doesn't wipe out on that last turn.
ReplyDeleteLa said: In short: we’d totally marry the Yacht Club. If that wasn’t…like…all weird and stuff.
ReplyDeleteWell that, and it isn't your cousin (oh come on -- like I'd miss an obvious softball from Mississippi Hick Girl?)
La said: The man ended up going Mach 3 with his hair on fire. Because he felt the need....the need for speed.
Bring it, Mav.
Lovely installment -- as always, you manage to paint a vivid picture (which is good, because we sure can't count on you to take one with a camera properly). Looking forward to the resolution of the cliffhanger (NO John Ratzenberger), although at your current rate of publishing, I expect this will probably not occur until Halloween or thereabouts.
Great update La La!
ReplyDeleteI loved how you walked us through the checking in portion of your YC stay. The resort sounds awesome! I’d love to check it out sometime. (Along with pretty well every other resort on property…but I digress.) I’m glad the room local turned out better than you thought it would and I shared in DH’s joy over the corner shelf. That was just plain nifty.
Excellent job on the photos. When I stared at the pics of the waterslide, my hair burst into flame. When I had the Mickey Head bar pic pulled up, someone walked by and bit the corner off my monitor. They were THAT real.
An all around awesome job my friend! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to your continuing adventures.
So Ash confims that she's such a committed lefty she MUST sleep on the left side of the bed. To which the rest of us utter, "uh duh!"
ReplyDeleteChapter 11 wrote: "Lovely installment -- as always, you manage to paint a vivid picture (which is good, because we sure can't count on you to take one with a camera properly). Looking forward to the resolution of the cliffhanger (NO John Ratzenberger), although at your current rate of publishing, I expect this will probably not occur until Halloween or thereabouts."
Dude, you are so dry wit. I laughed (not out loud, but very hard inside my head) when I read your comment.
But how do we reconcile it with Biscuit's fawning praise for LaLa's decidedly middling photography? One imagines Bicuit was hopped up on Dr. Pepper when he posted.
But how do we reconcile it with Biscuit's fawning praise for LaLa's decidedly middling photography?
Biscuit knows him some good photography when he sees it and the quick witted, hairy little midget we refer to as Chappie is on crack.
The more things change, the more they stay the same INDEED!
I knew I could count on him for the Top Gun pick up though. far as THIS goes...
Looking forward to the resolution of the cliffhanger (NO John Ratzenberger), although at your current rate of publishing, I expect this will probably not occur until Halloween or thereabouts.
...I have one thing to say.
I really do hate that I've only gotten to the first full day, even though our trip took place back in June. But things are different in Blogworld than other places and the postings are spaced out a little more. Okay, a LOT more. I suppose there are good points to that as well, because with things being as crazy around the LaLa house as they are right now, I honestly don't think I could sit down and crank out a TR installment once every few days. On second thought, I know I couldn't. So this works. Even though I hate how slow it makes the process. So just bear with me. Hopefully I'll wrap up this TR before Depends and toenail fungus cream become permanent fixtures on Chappie's shopping list.
Too late.
Ash, girl thank you SO MUCH for your sweet comments. You never fail to make me smile huge, you know that? Really. I've got mad love for ya. And for the record, we have a little saying in our house: Me shelf, su shelf. Not really, because if we did, we would be more like ZZUB. You know. Dorky. All that to say: my cell phone (saved from The Fall to End All Falls) made its way onto the man's mini shelf each night. With an outlet nearby, it was the perfect place to recharge the phones each night. Yet another reason to try the YC.
But...what's up with yall missing Sinking Sands?! It was right in front of the poolside gift shop and cool as could be. Since we're all going there in our minds, I'll meet you and Frick there in five. I'll be the one standing in three feet of water with my chin at sea level because I've managed to shove my feet halfway to China.
Or else maybe it's because I'm Chappie.
GB: Thanks for the encouraging word, my friend. Sorry for taking that bite out of your monitor. It could be worse though. ZZUB could've tossed his cookies on your keyboard. I hear he does that a lot. Especially after indulging in shrimp from a Mexican joint.
Steph: I've been laughing for quite awhile now (out loud...not hard inside my head...that'll cause an aneurysm) over the mental image of you trying to sit straight up on the Keister Coaster so you don't flip over. Mainly because I ATTEMPTED to do that on the Flying Jib. For the same reason. Even though I was in an enclosed tube and they tell you under no uncertain terms that you are to lay flat on your back and fold your arms over your chest.
I attempted it exactly once.
Hit my head on the inside of the tube going down and then followed instructions from then on.
Being unconscious really helped with that whole laying flat on your back thing.
Except I wasn't really unconscious. But I did smack my head. Trying to sit up. I learned my lesson real quick-like after that. With only minimal short term memory loss.
With only minimal short term memory loss.
La said: So just bear with me. Hopefully I'll wrap up this TR before Depends and toenail fungus cream become permanent fixtures on Chappie's shopping list.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the Rogaine. Which I slather liberally (NOZ) on my back.
C11 wrote, "You forgot the Rogaine. Which I slather liberally (NOZ) on my back."
ReplyDeleteWhy would you put Rogaine on your back? Aren't you experiencing adult puberty like the rest of us?
Zzub said: "But how do we reconcile it with Biscuit's fawning praise for LaLa's decidedly middling photography? One imagines Bicuit was hopped up on Dr. Pepper when he posted."
ReplyDeleteI was attempting to make up for this:
Lala said: "Thanks for the props though, Z. Glad you enjoyed reading this one. But....I notice a distinct lack of love for my pics. What's up with that?! I refuse to write anything else until you've shown the proper amount love for my pics."
And how did you know what I was drinking? Are you spying on me Z? That's just freaky.
Oh, and while we're on the subject of gift shops, am I the only one disturbed by the image of Mickey in the Boat there? Click on that thing and you'll see vast amounts of empty floor space. That is NOT normal. Every Disney gift shop we went into last time had the aisles so jam packed full of crap that you could barely squeeze down them. What sort of marketing devilry is afoot here?
ReplyDeleteGB wrote, "And how did you know what I was drinking?"
ReplyDeleteRoughly the same way I know it's hot and humid in Florida right now; the same way I know Obama hates people who "cling to their religion," the same way I know Bama was going to beat San Jose State, the same way I know Sarah Palin has spent more time today thinking about her shoes than how to create jobs and the same way I know that Disney World ain't cheap. In other words, my flaky friend, somethings are so per se obvious, they don't require much thinking.
La so funnily said
ReplyDelete"But...what's up with yall missing Sinking Sands?! It was right in front of the poolside gift shop and cool as could be. Since we're all going there in our minds, I'll meet you and Frick there in five. I'll be the one standing in three feet of water with my chin at sea level because I've managed to shove my feet halfway to China.
Or else maybe it's because I'm Chappie."
I'm more cracked up than Humpty Dumpty.
I'm calling you butter. (or Buttah if you're Ash) (or my best friend if you're Zzub)
Frick said:
ReplyDeleteI'm calling you butter. (or Buttah if you're Ash) (or my best friend if you're Zzub)
I'm more cracked up than a plumber's convention.
Oh, what I would give to be splashing in Sinking Sands with Frick and Ash right about now...
GB: If I'm not mistaken, Skipper Mickey (aboard the Ariel, of all things) is situated at one of the entrances to the gift shop. Which would explain the extra space around him. Gotta make sure they leave enough room for you to be beckoned inside, dontchaknow. Depositing your entire wallet on the counter and telling the clerk to just help himself.
The funny thing about that gift shop: we contrasted it with the one at Pop and it's NIGHT AND DAY. For instance, it's so QUIET in the YC gift shop. No one is allowed to speak there. Ever. I think that's an unwritten rule. Either that or you just whisper because it seems like the right thing to do. For some reason. I caught myself whispering to my kids and then wondering why the heck I was doing it.
Then I came to my senses and yelled to the clerk, "HEY! YOU GOT ANY GAS-X UP IN HERE?"
Just to mix things up.
Or did I?
Apparently The Chapster's not quite hairy enough if he's rubbing his back down with Rogaine every night. If it ever takes off, ZZUB says he'll come shave your back, Chappie.
Evidently he's had lots of practice. With that.
And now I suddenly feel ill.
LaLa sad
ReplyDelete"For some reason. I caught myself whispering to my kids and then wondering why the heck I was doing it.
Then I came to my senses and yelled to the clerk, "HEY! YOU GOT ANY GAS-X UP IN HERE?" "
I'm more cracked up than Lindsay Lohan & Paris Hilton combined!
I'm more cracked up than Lindsay Lohan & Paris Hilton combined!
ReplyDeleteThat one left me DEDDER than this blog. forgot Chappie.
I'm hungry. I had a boneless buffalo chicken salad for lunch and it was good but here it is, 3:00 and I'm hankering for something good to eat. And there's nothing but Coke Zero and water in my fridge. I just ate some peanuts, but the thing about peanuts is: they aint gonna fill you.
ReplyDeleteI just read that 'Ohanas will be closed for the entire month of January. I'd be in a full on rage, ready to burn sacred texts from other religions even, if we were headed to WDW in January and there was no 'Ohana for us. As it was, when we were there last month and being walked to our seat by a dumbkis CM, he said, "save room for dessert. We have pineapple/coconut bread pudding."
I literally stopped walking. "What?!" I asked. "What happened to the banana sauce?" "Oh," he apologized. "Yeah, I misspoke. It's the pineapple/banana bread pudding with the banana sauce."
"I misspoke." Indeed. Dude about gave me a myocardial infarction.
And there you go. ZZUB's obviously filling the tank up for another round of flatulence stories.
ReplyDeleteSome things never change.
Since I have had smashing success recreating Boma's banana bread pudding with vanilla sauce at home (YUM!), I have often thought about trying my hand at Ohana's bread pudding recipe. Complete with Bananas Foster sauce. Because that stuff is the BOMB DIGGITY. But the thing that keeps stopping me is that whole "flambe" thing. Just not sure that's such a good idea for me. I try to keep open flames OUT of my kitchen as much as possible.
Ever since the The Christmas Eve Eve Cheesecake Incident.
And while we're on the subject (or not)....WHO DAT BABY!!!!!!!! Between the boy's season starting and the Saints kicking off their season with a win (duh!), I am seriously pumped about watching some good football this year.
Not pumped about trying to get grass stains out of white game pants every night at 9:00, but still. It's all worth it, and it's all good.
Z said: Dude about gave me a myocardial infarction.
ReplyDeleteLaLa and Frick, just to clarify, that's latin for "heart attack". I know you both thought it was just a high falutin' way to say "gracious me, but those Taco Bell Gorditas are really repeatin' on me." But it doesn't. Although they do, but that's really beside the point. The point is, think outside the bun(s).
I'm here to help.
“Because this year, moreso than any in recent memory, we’re always on the go and rushing around like chickens with our heads cut off.
ReplyDeleteWhich is a freaky little Nightmare To Go if you actually picture it.
On second thought, don’t. It’s too weird.”
Too late. And you’re right – it is weird.
“In short: we’d totally marry the Yacht Club.”
This, on the other hand, isn’t weird at all. Because I’m all sorts of Borg about it. I’m fairly certain I could live out the rest of my days in pure bliss at the Yacht Club! And your room looks AMAZING… I didn’t know they still have daybeds in some!
“Pleased with himself, he announced, “Actually, I’m forty today.“ And then he smiled. As his shiny teeth sparkled and made the “ding!” sound. Like a Colgate commercial. Knowing he’s lookin’ good at forty. She acted appropriately flabbergasted, as did everyone within earshot, and all was well with the world.”
LMAO! Okay. I’m staring 40 down; it’s on the horizon and rising quickly. If Mr. La’s method doesn’t beat the 40-blues, I don’t know what will – I’m on it. Thanks Mr. La!
OMGosh, the Sinking Sands! I completely forgot about that.
And, erm… uh… um… I’m sorry… if “Jeffrey” was my kid. He’s been known to do that little stunt. From time to time. ;)
LOVED your descriptions of SAB! You’re making me want to grab the car, point East and dive in right NOW.
As an aside, I'll happily extend ZZUB a "Roll Tide!" Since it appears that my Gators are missing an entire offense this season. But I'll endnote it with a "Geaux Tigers!" 'cause I don't like to put all my eggs in one basket. So long as we're talking food.
C11 wrote, " The point is, think outside the bun(s)."
ReplyDeleteAnd THAT is the ballgame!
Welcome to Chapter11World! (Actually, 2 years into the Obama regime, a lot of Americans are living in Chapter 11 World, but of a completely different stripe).
La2: you must have struggled mightily last night, both the Saints and your hapless Bulldogs were playing at the same time. Fortunately for you, I was watching the State/Auburn game and pulling for State. Which, as usual, ended in disappointment. How can you be a fan of that crappy team?
As for Ohana breadpudding, don't even try it. It's not the flambe (and you're right, you SHOULDN'T be using open flames for anything!), it's that you have to start with the right bread. They make a Hawaian bread for breakfast and then use the same for the bread pudding. Evidently, that's the key.
Chapter 11 said...
ReplyDeleteZ said: Dude about gave me a myocardial infarction.
LaLa and Frick, just to clarify, that's latin for "heart attack".
Chappie, thanks for the translation, and you just cracked me up like.... well I'm out of cracked up puns. But, I tune him out every time he goes slinging his fancy lawyer latin. I honestly thought he was talking about a condition with his eyes because he has one that shoots to the left uncontrollably.
Frick said "I honestly thought he was talking about a condition with his eyes because he has one that shoots to the left uncontrollably."
ReplyDeleteThe RIGHT, honey, the RIGHT. Z doesn't do anything to the left. But cross-eyed? Yeah. I think we can all agree on that.
Y'all are killing me and I have been reading but too busy to join in on the hootenanny. Chappie, it's so nice to have you back and in classic Chappie form.
So who's next? Tomorrow, right? Is it GB's turn or is Z eventually going to start HIS TR? Z's turned into James Patterson, for goodness sake.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh crap on a cracker.....I had to deleted due to a narsty typo.
ReplyDeleteWhat I meant to say was:
After all is said and done I don't believe for a minute that La milks cows.
Or Zzub sleeps on the left.
Hi LaLa! I missed you guys! Thank goodness I finally got the memo that you were hanging out over here. I think I've been to WDW twice since I last read you guys!
ReplyDeleteWe honeymooned at the Yacht Club, and that's what made us fall in love with WDW. I swear I cannot remember if I ever went down the slide! I think I was too skeerdy. Darnit!
Can't wait to read more!
Hey DVCTiff! Nice to see you around again. Things are a little different over here, but it's all good. Glad you found us. What a cool place to honeymmoon! Yes, the YC slide is a GOOD time. Not too scary either. If yall ever have the opportunity to stay there again, don't pass it up.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I'm off to milk my cows and give a shout out to ZZUB, who's sleeping on the left.
Hi Yakkity Yak!