Well, sadly enough, the NMs are home.
I am actually preparing the home movie DVD as I type, and we'll watch all of our vacation videos tonight while we polish off the last of our snack credits...the Mickey Rice Krispie Treat. Dipped in chocolate, of course.
Thanks to everyone who posted comments to my live TR while I was gone. Free internet and a laptop made it kinda fun to upload some pics and give a few thoughts while on our trip. Even my husband enjoyed seeing what I would post about our day. There were trips we've taken when I kept our schedule so jammed that I wouldn't have had a single spare minute to upload pics and post to a blog. But this trip was much different. I look forward to telling you all about it!
It'll be a couple of weeks before I start my TR, but I hope you'll all join me for LOTS more Disney deets and MANY more pics.
Until then,
NM out.
Well, I thought I had typed up a bunch of stuff and saved it until after lunch, but evidently, you can't save in the page format. I have lots to learn about the blog. So I'll start over, but I'll be much more brief. Much to your delight, I'm sure.
Just to catch you up, Friday we checked in at Bay Lake and had a great chill day. The evening was topped off by Mr. NM and I leaving the kids in the villa with a movie and some fried food, and heading up to the Top of the World lounge for some apps and fireworks. It was a fantastic date night, and might have been one of my favorite evenings of the trip. The view is amazing, the flatbreads are delicious, and it's a very intimate place that's perfect for a nice time with your date.
The next morning was July 3rd, and it was the day we had planned to visit MK. We still had one last GAD voucher, so we weren't worried about hitting rope drop. We arrived at the MK around 9:45, and got several rides in before having lunch at Pinocchio Village Haus. (We'd never done this CS before and it was fun to do something different.)
We also did an NM first yesterday before leaving the Kingdom for our afternoon rest. We had never done the Hall of Presidents and it was actually a GREAT thing to do as part of our 4th of July celebration. My daughter was embarrassed that I teared up during the show - but I did. It was a good reminder of the things we have to be thankful for in America.
After the Hall of Presidents, we headed down Main Street to board the monorail back to BLT. If we were gonna hang late that night, we needed some zzzzzs. We were pleasantly surprised at the lack of crowds, and we were fully expecting it to be a mob scene when we got back that evening.
More to come later...we're headed to Epcot for the day.
Happy 4th of July!
New Post: 7/2/10
Good Afternoon from Bay Lake Tower!
We've had a great day and are trying to decide our plans for the evening. Can you believe it? We are WINGING IT!! I don't know why I can't pull up my latest photo upload, but I can't. So the pics will have to wait until the real trip report. The REAL tr will be - unfortunately for the three people reading this - MUCH more detailed. Because NM loves her some Disney details.
Last night it rained until about 11 pm. Of course, that didn't stop us from swimming at Kidani anyway. I couldn't believe it when I joined some strangers in the hot tub and announced that I was actually cold and needed to warm up. We all got a laugh out of it.
This morning we slept in and checked out of Kidani and into BLT. But before we checked in, we sat down and had some breakfast with Mickey at Chef Mickey's. I rarely eat a breakfast worth talking about. If I have more than my cup of coffee, it's something boring like fruit, yogurt or a bowl of cereal.
NEVER is it all kinds of cheesy eggs, cheesy potatoes, biscuits with some gravy, a slice of bacon, and a return trip to the buffet for a piece of french toast. It's 6:45 and I haven't had a single thing since. And I'm still not hungry.
Our villa was ready at 1 (well in advance of the 4 pm check-in) and we walked in and immediately felt cramped. How insane is that? Until Thanksgiving, we had almost always stayed in hotel rooms on Disney property. And now a 1 BR villa seems small? We've gotta get a quick reality check! That Kidani villa was just SO BIG!
But BLT is great. Just as I knew I would, just being over here makes me want to go to a park. I've already tried to convince my bunch to ride the monorail to MK to use our evening CS credit. At Pecos Bill's. They ain't bitin'. So me and the hubby will probably leave the kids in the villa with a movie and some grub, and we might ride the elevator to the Top of the World and have some apps. A date night in the World - sounds fun.
Right now, the rest of my family is down in the pool. I was down there for a while, but had all my camera stuff with me and came on back up to the villa. I THOUGHT they were coming right behind me, but they must be still enjoying some pool fun.
The weather here was cloudy with a threat of rain all day. So the temps never got much above the low 80s. Would have been a good park day!
New Post: 6/30/10
Hey friends! NM here checking in after a HOT day at Animal Kingdom. Although my husband and I were talking on the way out and we decided that while it is BRUTALLY hot outside, either we're acclimated, or Disney just does a really good job of giving you places to cool down. Because it wasn't as hot and miserable as I had planned on it being. Which is always a good thing, I guess.
We've had two great days and today kinda marks the end of the first part of our trip. More on that in a minute.
Yesterday was HS. We knew the littlest NM was VERY close to 48 inches. In fact, at home, he WAS 48 inches. But in case they pad it here in the World, we told him there was a chance he wouldn't make it. Although he never lost faith. He told us he didn't know why we kept telling him that, because he was SURE he would make it. So he marched his little self up to the RNR entrance, measures 48 and some change, and didn't bat an eye.
And he LOVED RnR. I wish I didn't have such a hangup with sharing his pic online, because his ride photo is absolutely hilarious. Bless him.
Thanks to the GAD FPs, we rode RnR 6 times, Toy Story once, TOT once, and Star Tours once. (Riding Star Tours once was one time too many. Dude, that ride makes me so nauseous!) My daughter REALLY wanted to see the Indiana Jones show, so we saw that and then hopped our bus to AKL just as the bottom fell out.
Today we were up and at the bus stop in time to make rope drop at AK. We rode EE 7 or 8 times (Thank you GAD!) and Primeval Whirl just once - but only because the little man was tall enough and wanted to try it. Ugh - what a nauseating ride!
Tomorrow we check in at Bay Lake, have a late breakfast at Chef Mickey's, and do whatever until our dinner ADR at Yachtsman Steakhouse. Then Saturday and Sunday are MK and Epcot respectively for their fireworks. We'll see how that goes!
Take care, friends!
New Post: 6/29/10
Hmmmm...since this is a page, and not a post, I reckon this will work. I'll put the new stuff on top and leave the bottom as is.
Yesterday and today were both great days. I hate to sound like all of our Disney vacations are perfect - I'm sure they aren't. But honestly, there's something about this place that makes things work out well for the NMs. Now let me add this, though: I think attitude has A LOT to do with your happiness at Disney. Or any other vacation, for that matter. But we really have had exceptional CMs this trip, and things have gone so well and we're having tons of fun.
Yesterday we slept in after our late EMH at MK. We waited until around noon to even make a plan (GASP!!!) and when we finally made one, it was Coronado Springs Pepper Market for lunch and then Fort Wilderness to rent bikes. I love visiting other resorts, and I'd always wanted to check out Coronado Springs.
The Pepper Market was a hit for all of us, and biking was fun, too. We biked from Ft. Wilderness to Wilderness Lodge twice, and then biked around the Ft. Wilderness campground a little while.
But if you're a camper, Ft. Wilderness looks to be as good as it gets. It's really nice over there.
(The pic is the bike trail as you approach WL.)
Today was Typhoon Lagoon. The little NMs love them some wave pool, too, PolyMom! We spent at least two hours in there today, and went on the Crush n' Gusher 8 times. At 5:30 all the dawgs were barking (more like HOWLING) and we rolled out to Caribbean Beach to try out their food court.
Rednecks that we are, we loved it, too, and the kids caught a glimpse of the pool, so guess what? They went swimming. I'm pretty sure it's actually a DVC perk to pool hop anywhere but AKL Kidani and SAB, but if not, we're guilty of hopping. First time ever. And lemme add this: Caribbean Beach has got one stinkin' nice pool!!
Alright, a few pics and then I'm getting some shut eye. Big day at Hollywood Studios tomorrow. My little man MIGHT be 48 inches. We haven't had an official measure, but we're all really hopeful.
NM out.
Hello Friends! (Update of 6/28/10)
Coming to you live from Walt Disney World! Where my DH and I just declared that no matter how many times we come here, it really gets better and better for us each time. For different reasons, of course.
This trip is great because it's our first time to stay in a 2BR villa. It may be our last, because the amount of points we bought does not support a 2 BR villa for every trip. (Unless we shorten the trip, and who wants to do that?)
But because we purchased our DVC contract toward the end of 2009, and didn't use all of our points in that year, we had more to use this year.
Thus the 2 BR villa.
People, we are FULL ON SPOILED. This place is HUGE!!!
Well, gotta run. We are trying to decide whether to rent bikes at Fort Wilderness, boats at the Contemporary, or a movie at DTD. Either way, there is much fun to be had. And we won't visit a single park to have it!
Wow! That villa is huge if they also have an 'Ohana in it! That must be why 'Ohana means family.
We LOVE us a 2 BR villa.... :)
ReplyDeleteSo happy the NMs are having a great time in our favorite place, and finding some relaxation time, to boot! Love that boy of yours. He just cracks me up with his all sports, allthetime, mindset. Bless your DH for keeping him entertained (I know, I know, he loves it too!). I can picture it as if I was there!
ReplyDeleteThe 2 BR villas are HUGE, aren't they? We were stunned at the amount of space we had last April at BWV, and our "second bedroom" was just a studio (so...only one bed and a pull out). LOVE the looks of the dedicated 2-bdrm. I'm thinking of y'all lots, and not ALWAYS with envy ; ) Thanks so much for taking time out of your family vacation to send us an update.
That place looks AMAZING! And I am LOVING the Live Update! Glad yall are having a good time, NM. Although I have to admit feeling a LITTLE bit jealous. Not much. Just a little. Yall have fun today, my friend, whatever you wind up doing.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, I just ate at Taco Bell and pretended it was counter service at Mexico. While pretending my debit card was a Key to the Food.
Is that wrong?
Hey NM!
ReplyDeleteGlad you are having a geat time! The room looks amazing. Can't wait to hear more about your trip.
Don't feel bad Lala. I still have my key to the world card in my wallet. Mainly because it's stuck in a side compartment and I keep forgetting to take it out. Yeah...that's my official statement.
Lala please take a shower...you reek of Beaches and Cream waffle cones.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am on a diet. ish. Because there are no trips in my hopper and we all know our diet schedules revolve around Disney trips.
The NM's live from the World.
ReplyDeleteI love technology, always and forever!
Kidani is beautiful, isn't it!
Momofmnm - I thought I could smell ice cream.
We are going in August and I think I'm going to have to change one of the ADR's to O'Hana. That's good eatin'
Have fun!
NM I stayed in that villa! What about the dang porch....It's ginormous! So is the master bath. Don't you just love the Kidani pool?! Have you noticed the fake animal sounds they pipe in there. Ooooh I'm jealous!
ReplyDeleteThanks for popping in and the last picture is AWESOME!!!!
I do love me some Ohana.
ReplyDeleteI came back just to look at the bread pudding again. I heart Ohana bread pudding.
ReplyDeleteI needed some yellow tonight, and your roomy digs did the trick. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteLooks like your having a great time!
ReplyDeleteGood morning y'all!
ReplyDeleteWe are suited up and suncreened and headed out the door to Typhoon Lagoon today. Doubt I'll take my "real" camera - just the disposable waterproof one - so no pics until we get home. But I do have some pics from yesterday that I'll post when we get back this afternoon. We plan on laying low after TL (because if anything at WDW can wear us out, it's TL) so I should have time for a little pictoral update.
Thanks for all the comments, y'all! The trip is awesome and one thing I've noticed this time that has made me REALLY happy: We have had the BEST experiences with CMs. Everywhere we go, they are in great moods and cracking jokes and adding to the magic. After all the negative comments I've read lately, that has been a very big treat!
Everyone have a great day and I'll check in tonight!
I remember when I was at Typhoon Lagoon. Living it up on Crush n Gusher and getting slammed by waves in the wave pool.
ReplyDeleteExactly one week ago today.
Re-entry stinks.
NM: Hope yall had an AWESOME time today. I know you did. Can't wait for another update so we can live vicariously through you and your sweet crew.
And I am LOVING the fact that they now have Coke Zero at Disney, PMM! Or momofmnm, if that's your real name. :)
I ALSO heart Ohana bread pudding, Frick. I'd swim in that stuff if they'd let me.
I still haven't taken a shower yet.
Or have I?
Is Coke Zero at all the counter service places AND in the resorts? The ZZUBs love them some Coke Zero.
ReplyDeleteHi Momofmnm! Good to see you around again.
Have y'all noticed Coke Zero tastes different from the can than it does from the fountain? I'm a straight out of the can girl. But, I did enjoy me some CZ at the World. Z I know it is in the resorts, but don't remember about the CS places.
ReplyDeleteI know you guys love TL, but has anyone tried Blizzard Beach? We ADORED BB, and went there 4 days out of 5.... and they have funnel cakes. mmmmm.
NM I tried to sit in the wave pool at TL because I was HOT and some ladies beside me were sitting in the shallow end of the pool and rolling around in the waves and giggling like school girls. I tried it, I wiped out and I had scabs for a week on my back, hands and knees.
Where's dinner tonight NM? Are you cooking? hahaha
My guess is 1. they are all delusional from the heat
ReplyDeleteor 2. Someone spiked their Coke Zero.
Ohh did you know they HAVE Coke Zero now at Disney!?!?! My refillable mug for life was SO HAPPY on our March trip!
Was it wrong to bring my Poly mug from 2005 to SSR for the drinkage?
hehehehe...kidding! We bought the mugs with the dining plan, so there!
Speaking of mugs, I love the new mugs! So much better than the big, fat round mugs that don't fit in my cup holders.
I am super green with envy today because TL and the wave pool is probably IT for my family. In fact, if the world were ending in 2012, I am pretty sure you would find the 6 of us floating aimlessly in the wave pool at TL.
And laughing as Lala loses her lunch on Crush-n-Gusher!
Frick's stomach IS her touring plans, tfi. NO I am not kidding.
ReplyDeleteZZUB...thank you. I followed my friend(s) here...and the lingering smell of waffle cones...
We were in Disney in March and IT WAS SO CROWDED. I won't ever go in March again, crowded!!! Which is weird because I was there in March 2007 and it was NOT all that crowded.
I noticed the Coke Zero then in March so who knows how long it has been there? Are you planning a fall trip or summer trip or what, ZZUB?
oh to answer your question, I think it is everywhere...I specifically remember getting it at SSR and Flame Tree...so I think both?
ReplyDeleteNM: We went to CBR food court with some friends of ours in March. We were on the QSDP and were really jonesing for some different food other than that at SSR. So we drove over and we LOVED it! I, like you, like to drive around and see other resorts and this was the first time I have been able to do so because we drove.
Did ya'll know I added one?!!? Well...we added one.
A baby girl! Who is one now. She will be posting her "top" list on Lala's blog spot asap.
PMM my friend, can I just say that I LOVE seeing you around more lately? Although I suppose I'm the one who was missing before. Regardless, I missed you and your crazy self. And I am DED over the visual of Frick rolling around in the waves because she saw someone else doing it and ending up gettin' all scraped up and ticked.
ReplyDeleteFrick, we also LOVE Blizzard Beach and had a hard time deciding between the two for this trip. We LOVE us some Toboggan Racers and giving up that big ball of fun was hard. But as much as we love it, we love CnG more. So that's what it boiled down to for us. But BB is the bomb as well. You're right about that. We've got MUCH love for a Disney water park, doesn't matter which one it is. As long as there's water and some speed, that's all we need.
Throw in some little mini donuts and a funnel cake and that's just icing on the cake.
I don't remember seeing Coke Zero everywhere we went, but it was there more than it wasn't there. If that makes sense. I'm pretty sure I got it at Sunshine Seasons, Z. Definitely got it at the Pop Food Court.
PMM, tell that beautiful little girl to come on with the list already. I'm feeling the Disney re-entry blues and need a little pick me up.
Cue NM with today's Disney report...
Well you have hit on two of my families greatest loves with this update, sea food and water parks! I can almost taste the crab and drawn butter now! We love it so much that you might remember us from such support groups as Troy McClures misplaced love outreach center.
ReplyDeleteWe agree to likeing (loving) TL a bit better than BB, there is more shade, killer wave pool and I dont need immediate cardiac care after taking the plunge down Summit Plummit!
Y'know, momofmnm needs to add an "s" ; )
ReplyDeleteI am cracking up, btw, that you deleted and re-posted your Coke Zero post after so many had commented on it (I know why....was going to PM you. Heh heh I was going to PM PMM).
NM, thanks so much for the new update! I hope your adorable lil guy hits the 48 inch mark. I'm sure it would be the icing on the cake of a fab vacation if he does!
Frick! You kill me, girl. Sorry about the scabs, but that was FOFF. We have never been to BB. My youngest LOVES the wave pool at TL so I've never been able to coax him away. Maybe next time.
And, yes, PMM is right. Frick's touring plan is all about following her stomach. Unless there are a few stores in the way, of course. That girl can eat and that girl can SHOP! Looking at her, you might guess the latter, but never the former. She's gotta have a hollow leg or two. It's the only way she could continue to look so great with that appetite!
Great report NM! I'm so happy you are having a great time at the World. I too, noticed the Coke Zero at the World. Frick you're right.
ReplyDeleteZzub, please don't go into shock over that sentence. It does taste different from the can.
Happy Coke Z's are much better poured from the can.
Anyway, NM I'm with you on the non-camping.
Camping to the YAK's is Hilton Garden Inn.
Although biking around Wilderness sounds like a lot of fun and something we'll have to give a go next time.
I'm all over those crab legs. Thanks for the pic!
You are bang on about the attitude at Disney. I just don't get it with some peeps. This is why we amuse ourselves with Disney meltdowns when there. Saw a fabulous one at Peco's in March. When it was so crowded. With the PMM's ;) Probably the best one I've seen ever! So sad, but amusing all the same.
Just like the visual I get with Frick smashing herself all over TL. I'm DED. Sorry girl! Ouch!
We are doing the can't decided TL or BB for August. We've done TL twice and I've got my butt bruised twice at Crushin' Butter, so I'm not keen about sporting another unsightly spot on my butt this year. Who said it? Funnel cake at BB. Decision made. Another unsightly spot on my butt....but it'll be worth it!
Enjoy DHS NM! Hope Little NM is able to ride everything!
Thanks NM!
Ash!! I was wondering why I did not "hear" from you about that!!!!! hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteFrick, we saw a teen-aged girl leaving the wave pool once with her back, orange from the blood mixed with the water...her WHOLE BACK had been skinned. THE WHOLE THING. I will never forget that sight, ever. What were you thinkin' tryin' to sit in those waves? Is your core made out of steel?
NM is at my favorite of all parks today! It was even my favorite BEFORE TSM. Really! We also really liked the American Idol experience even though my dh pouted about going in there at first...he ended up voting for the winner!! I always vote for the worst singer because I am an "underdog" voter. I vote for the little guy...its the special ed teacher in me.
I guess I just didn't do the math at TL. I guess the 400 pound lady in the TL wave pool just doesn't travel and roll as far as a lady who weighs significantly less. Thankfully my swimsuit stayed on. She was having a heck of a lot of fun rolling in those waves though and I thought I would too. Who knew I was going to get drug 500 yards and walk away with half my skin.
ReplyDeleteYak at BB they have a 'ski lift' to take you up to the family raft ride and the Summit Plummit. We loved that ski lift and the view from the top is unreal. I think we liked it too because it wasn't as crowded as TL.
Ash and PMM, you will be shocked to know I didn't eat as much this time. It was too hot! La, did you get a Napoleon?!?!
Frick, I SAW the Napoleon and it looked awesome. Seriously thought about getting one, but I went with the Grapefruit cake instead.
ReplyDeleteI'd like a do-over with THAT one.
I'm still DED over you rolling around in the waves. Good to know your swimsuit stayed on. Wish I could say the same for mine. Think I'll wear a one piece next time. Not as fashionable or cute, but necessary when those waves start crashing.
LOVE the family raft ride at BB. It blows TL's away.
Can't wait to hear if little Mr. NM made the mark today at HS. And what we had for dinner.
I was not a fan of the grapefruit cake, LA. I cannot believe you!! Did you try the school bread? Frick and I fought over one of those babies when we met in the world.
ReplyDeleteShe won because her core is made of steel. And I secretly want her to gain some weight to make me look thinner. So I made sure she got the bigger half.
Or did I??
PMM, fighting over the school bread (which is awesome!) was nothing compared to the day we fought over our shared plate of mexican food. I think I almost stabbed your hand with my fork. That was the day that I declared the CS at Mexico the BEST CS in Epcot. Was I delusional or just hongry?
ReplyDeleteOh my good googly La, I could have told you the grapefruit cake was not what you wanted. Been there, done that. The Napoleon would have made your miss matched socks go up and down. (come on, admit it! You wear them don't you?)
I LOVE the Napoleon and I will be getting one to pass the time on July the 4th while I wait on the fireworks in the World Showcase with a million of my closest friends. I have watched a preview of the Epcot fireworks on the 4th so that I won't get frustrated and bail when the going gets tough. They look INCREDIBLE.
ReplyDeleteWe had a great day yesterday at Hollywood Studios. The normally half day park became a "get there at 9 and leave at 5" park for the NMs. The hubby and I are about to go down to the lobby and have some coffee as we overlook the savannah (it's SO nice for the kids to get a little older) so no time for pics until later this afternoon.
Loving all the comments, y'all! Thanks for popping in!
(BTW, the little man was 48 inches and it was AWESOME to all ride RNR together!!! Woo hoooooooo! He LOVED it!)
NM :)
YAY for the lil man! I'm so happy he got to get his RNR ride on! NM, I am so impressed and honored that you are getting on here to check in so often. I know how hard that can be. So THANK YOU! We all appreciate it!!
ReplyDeleteI am beyond DED over Frick almost stabbing PMM with her fork in Mexico. We have all learned that it's not a good idea to get between Frick and her food!! GAKitty and I missed that excitement because we were doing the Kim Possible thing over in Norway. The lil gakitten was there, too, but still in utero ; )
I am with the girls on the grapefruit cake. YUCK. Though I'm not a big fan of cream fillings, so the Napoleon, and especially School Bread, don't really appeal to me either. Give me something chocolate instead and I'll be happy. Or maybe some strawberry shortcake from Sunshine Seasons.
Woo Hoo on the 4th fireworks! I'm sure they will be FAB. Where are we going today? Hope the NMs all have another magical day!
Slap my mama!! Ashclan says she is not a fan of the schoolbread!?!?!?!?!?!? And we call her our CIF?!!?!? That is like saying the Dole Whip tastes like regular pineapple ice cream from the carton, only soft. (Insert smiling, whistling face here!)
ReplyDeleteNM...She really did stab me for fake-pump Mexican food. It was honestly fake pump. I think she licked the plate...she might have even done the mama bird thing she liked it so much. I envision Lala doing that too with funnel cakes.
I agree, having older kids is great!! Having a baby after having older kids makes you feel OLD. But then you have babysitters...so it's ok. But you still feel old.
I have decided that our next family trip to the World will be in June. This year we went over Spring Break and missed the sweltering heat, BO, and Brazilian tour groups...
but mostly we missed the water park.
And THAT won't happen again.
NM what is on the menu today!!?!? How was the Garden Grocer order? We are going to do that on our next trip...my husband has his own thoughts of a meal plan in a DVC so we shall see!
I am sure the fireworks will be out of this world!
HALF A DAY AT DHS!?!?!?!?!? I could do a whole week.
ReplyDeleteNo joke.
What is this school bread y'all are talking about?
ReplyDeleteAnd what time of day is it raining? 3:00?
We think Finding Nemo: the Musical S U C K S! You couldn't pay me to sit through that crapola again.
Z, I'm beginning to doubt your level of Disney nerdiness. You don't know about school bread and napoleons? School bread is found in the bakery in Norway. Really close to MAELSTROM!! If you have never stepped in there, you have a lovely little spread to look forward to. We will often get a CS lunch there (sandwiches that are cool and tasty) and the dessert is the freaking bomb! School bread is kind of like a vanilla cream filled donut minus the glaze (KK)or powdered sugar(DD). The 'bread' part isn't all that sweet, making the vanilla cream even more yummy to mix with it. You should try it. It'll blow your little box of cherry poptarts away!
ReplyDeleteNM your trip is sounding just loverly! I'm so borg with you on Primevil Hurl and StarbarfTours. I can't handle either! I had a hard time at Universal because so many of the attractions were simulators and I felt like a complete tool trying to close my eyes and do labor breathing trying to get through it and not toss my churro. Yes, Universal has Churros and they are fab-u-lous.
After reading all my talk about food, I think I might have a problem with sweets.
NM, I am counting on seeing that picture of your lil guy at some point. Just sayin'. He is the cutest thing and I can just imagine what that excited lil face looked like on RNR!
ReplyDeleteI am with Frick. I don't think Z has ever really been to Epcot. He doesn't know the WS pastries, thinks Le Cell le stinks, and doesn't believe that Maelstrom....is a fastpass!! Bet he got that photo on the top of the page from some website. AllEars probably.
PMM, I know you (and Jami) love you some DHS/MGM. I'm not as big a fan. Though I do love rockin' and droppin' with my CIFs. But I could do a 1/2 day, easy. That goes for AK, as well. I really only go there anymore for Everest. MK is my happy place. And I do love Epcot when it's not too hot. Walking the WS this past September after the boat roast may have been one of the most miserable experiences of my life, though. Well, heat-wise. I still loved the company. And the chimichurri beef from the Argentina booth. Mmmmmm.
YAY for littlest NM!! Hooray!!! I am sure the pic is priceless... or did you pay for it?!!?!? teehee
ReplyDeleteEverest 8 times?!!??!? I made a major mistake by using those GAD passes to help pay for our tickets when really I should have used my old ticket one more day and used the GAD for fastpasses at AK, because really that was the only place we needed them for the most part, even with all the crowds. HUGE CROWDS. DHS we got there early enough to get fastpasses for TSM and baby swap for RNRC and TOT so the waits were not all that long, we just waited it out because we had to...we had FP for TSM at that time. Conundrum to the Nth power.
ZZUB, you have not been to the NORWAY bakery?!? Have you ridden MAELSTROM with or without a fastpass?? Ok...here is my description:
School bread is a round bread. In the middle, there is vanilla cream, kinda like Bavarian cream only more pudding-y ish. The bread, as Frick describes, is not as sweet but more dense...not NOT sweet but not doughnut sweet either. In the middle somewhere. Now...they used to put a dollup of creamy stuff on top and top that with the toasted coconut, which is my reason for loving this puffy goodness. The coconut. I find it INCREDIBLY hard to find good dessert anywhere that includes coconut, so when I find it, I am all over it!
Get yerself one! Yummo.
I don't think we've been to Norway since 2006. And then I only took a picture of the wait time at Maelstrom. We haven't ridden that or been in that country fo a long time. But now that I know there is a good dessert to be had, I will have to stop on by.
ReplyDeleteWe were in France a few years back and I was close to purchasing a treat from the bakery but it was too close to the Funnel Cake stand and frankly, I'd rather have a good ol' American funnel cake than some Frenchy concoction.
ReplyDelete(Just like Britney...OOPS I almost did it again...)
Only, I didn't.
I am reading!! I will be gone Sat and Sunday and am the only person on Earth that does not have a data plan on my cell so if I can't get back here for a few...know that I am sad about it. Know that I am eating grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and a Pillsbury cake from a box and thinking of all the great food you are eating. Are you on the dining plan?
Know that I am also thinking about upgrading to a smart phone so I might have myself a data plan in the near future although I am holding out for the iPhone for Verizon.
I am so glad you like BLT. I would be very interested in trying out Kidani after hearing all the amazing things about it! It would probably feel like a palace considering we thought a 2BR at SSR was the BOMB diggity. (and it was. ) Were you in a 2br at Kidani or a 1 BR?
Thanks for the updates!! Can't wait to see your BLT pics.
Glad you're liking BLT; so funny that it feels cramped to you after Kidani! lol Can't wait until the "real" trip report starts! --praisehisname
ReplyDeleteGorgeous pics from the TOW! Very cool that you were able to see HOP for the first time during 4th of July weekend!
ReplyDeleteNM, Thanks for the latest updates! Oh, and Shelby showed some of us your FB pic of the 4th Fireworks...WOW! (And mad photo skillz, girl). I am so psyched to try out the BLT and especially the Top of the World lounge. I've gotta get that on my schedule!! So happy to hear that you and "Roger" had a great date night!!
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th, Girl, and thanks for keeping us in the loop! We love living vicariously through you!!
NM great update! I just got over here to catch up and LOVED the pictures of Sanaa.
ReplyDeleteI too, am eh on the food offerings but Little YAK loves him some Tandori so we are going back in August. However, I'll go for the view anyday, it certainly is all that!
I've never had school bread either. It's now on the list!
Zzub - you must venture into the bakery in France sometime. Oh my!!
Have fun at the BLT (I always think of the sandwhich when I see that!) and enjoy the 4th fireworks!!
Thanks for your reports, live TR's are so much fun!
Welcome Home NM. Sorry for the re-entry blues. But just think, you'll be able to relive it all for months to come via your trip report! I know....not the same as being there but it will be fun (for all of us) nonetheless!
ReplyDeleteHope the video show with RKMH (chocolate dipped!) was fun last night!!
NM! What a sweet picture from the monorail! You've got some mad photography skillz there friend!
ReplyDeleteI think Mr. Frick would like to go on vacation with you the next time. That would be his ideal Disney vaca (if there is such a thing for him). Last year when I drug him to Epcot in a rain storm with lots of beautiful lightening just because it was our last night and I couldn't not be in a park on our last night, I thought he was going to tell Disney that they could have me. I pack a lot in, and he doesn't enjoy that part so much, but I'm trying to be better!
Can't wait for the TR to get rolling! The live update was such a tasty appetizer!
NM, I know I posted something on here awhile back, but I don't see it anywhere. Must've been during that time when ZZUB had me on Global Ignore.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember anything I said then, but I know I did agree with everyone about the school bread. It's AWESOME. And DH and I ended up fighting over one, Frick.
Also, NM: I LOVED reading about your family's adventures every day. I know that during a trip to Disney, there's a whole lot you could be doing besides showing us some Yellow through your eyes, but I sure am glad you kept us updated. LOVED it, my girl. Can't wait for the TR!
Hey NM!
ReplyDeleteGreat wrap up. LOVED all the photos! Can't wait for the full detailed report.
Hey NM my first and 4-ever CIF. Thanks for the Live at 5 reports. You've made me more determined than ever to get the fam to Kidani, but I'm afraid Shrek will scare the other guests by talking to the animals all day.
ReplyDeleteThe image of Frick rolling around in the TL Wave pool might have knocked me out of my chair.
ZZUB, I thought I knew you a bite. Really, you've never been in Norway and come out dusted with sugar? I know you love France, but you've never eaten a pastry there? Frick and I Hoovered sandwiches and pastries there last fall without taking our eyes off the plates. Every one of you could have walked in--including you, ZZUB, with your many subtle trademarks--and we wouldn't have noticed a thing.
The big problem with grapefruit cake? NO SUGAR! What's that? I'm sure it was invented during the Depression. PMM?
ZZUB, you don't like Finding Nemo: The Musical? Did you know Cast Members can only work there 3 months at a time due to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? I guess that doesn't help. We love it.
We went to BB once with a doctor friend who said after riding Summit Plummit that no one would ever need an enema again.
Enjoy, YAKs.
I know you kissed the ground and held onto a pole on Main Street for me, NM. Oh wait. I can do that. I just want to read about your awesome family's vacation.