ZZUBY didn't know why I wanted to go hang out in there. "There's nothing to do there," she whined. "But there is," I assured her. "You see, in this window, someone is taking voice lessons. Listen," I exhorted her.

The level of detail in this little corner of the world is worth taking the time to look at.

Either ZZUBY caught my enthusiasm or she was looking for a way to amuse herself. But she asked if she could take pictures while I shot video. Sure enough. Here's one of her pictures of Dad's alley.

My friend from Montana, himself a Disney Fan, once wrote that when you leave Disney World, you should be ready to leave. That is how you know your vacation was the right length. I thought he was all wet when I read that. And he had it backwards. Because I was of the mindset that you should leave wanting more.
I think because we’d always left wanting more. But this trip, we left feeling full. Finished. Not necessarily ready to leave, but at least satisfied. I think part of the reason was the length of our stay, having been there nine days. Part of the reason most certainly was because of where we stayed. But a big part of the reason we left feeling satisfied was because we took time. We went at a different pace. Did new things. Revisited old favorites again. We followed a schedule but didn't cling to it either. We chewed on the experience. Savored it. We wrote the chapter as we were living it.
On one of our EPCOT days, we went to visit an old friend, so long ago abandoned. There is a section of the Imagination Pavilion which has the upside down waterfall and the shooting fountains. On one of my trips here with my Dad so many years ago, these fountains seemed so cool. In my memory they were more centrally located, too. But now you have to really go out of your way to find them. And virtually no one else was there when we walked up to them. I watched for a bit as ZZUBY and Baby Z tried to catch the water. Baby Z was reaching desperately over the side of the wall trying to touch the water. It reminded me so much of me when I was her age. At Stone Mountain State Park. With a different fountain. But the same frustration. Too young to touch the water.
The upside down fountain seems almost an afterthought in EPCOT now. Maybe if Journey Into Your Imagination was more enjoyable, more people would find their way over here.

I've become a big fan of Innoventions lately. Maybe it's the nerd in me. Maybe it's the air conditioning. Or maybe it's the proximity to the free refills at Electric Umbrella. Probably a combination of things. But we have a great time in there. Where's the Fire is one of my favorite games. This year we also tried out the Velcro deal, What's Your Problem and the new Waste Management exhibit. You get to push your own garbage truck. That's just a good time right there. Plus, when you back the thing up, it beeps. Just like a real garbage truck. Or those ladies at Wal*Mart riding around on the jumbo people scooters.

One of the perks of holding a Disney Visa card is the free picture deal. Bear in mind, the picture itself isn't such a perk. But having two or three characters to yourself for a few minutes (without a plate of chicken in front of you) is well worth the few minutes you'll stand in line. We've been fortunate over the last few years to have Mickey and Pluto or Mickey, Pluto and Donald. I've heard of people who only got one character, but we've not had that experience.
One thing I did this year, I asked them to let me go in first to get the camcorder trained on the curtain so I could catch my girls running in to hug their friends. I'm so glad I did. We have the best video of Baby ZZUB and ZZUBY running in and wrapping their little arms around Mickey and Pluto. That is some of the best video I've ever captured. Both on my camcorder and in my mind.
We also had a really good time walking through the World Showcase. In Canada, we found a piece of wall and listened to Off Kilter for a few minutes. I've heard a few tracks of theirs on Live365. Sadly, the first few songs they played weren't at all familiar and the Family ZZUB was un-enthused, unamused and so refused. To sit any longer. We moved on.
In France, we came dangerously close to sampling the pastries in the little bakery. ZZUBY wanted to color, so we hung out at the Kidcot deal while she colored and Baby Z slept in her stroller. Mrs. Z and I met a family sitting there and we enjoyed getting to hear their stories. I surveyed the little gift shop, stunned by the large collection of white hankies, shirts and flags. A Cast Member from France was demonstrating the proper way to surrender while still maintaining an air of snootiness.

Just before the American Pavilion, I bought us a nice funnel cake and we sat in the shade and covered ourselves in powdered sugar and laughed about everything and nothing. We had some time before the Voices of Liberty sang and the next AA show, so we walked through Japan. You'll recall we had some friends visit there last summer (and punish us with 2000 or so pictures). They brought us back some really good Japanese snacks, some of which we found in the Japan store. We picked them up a few things and then took a picture in front of Japan. To mock them. Like good friends do.

We no longer like that friend.
Either the Voices were off the day we heard them or the ZZUBS just aren't down with a capella singing. Or our "friend" is a sadistic harpie. NOAnnCoulter. Fortunately, we had found a nice bench by the wall. So we didn't get the full on assault the way the people sitting in the rotunda did. Poor idiots.

Inside the theater, they did this deal where they picked out a family to start the show or somethinornuther. It was some kind of magic moment which was neither magical nor a moment. But I recognized the couple they picked. Earlier that day, while Mrs. Z and ZZUBY were on Soarin and I was playing with Baby Z, this lady sitting next to me on the bench asked me a question or two about EPCOT. She got more than she bargained for. Not unlike the American people who thought they were voting for change. One of my recommendations was the American Adventure. Just so happened this lady showed up at the same show we did. And she and her husband got picked to be the first family or whatever it was they called them. She seemed all excited when they announced her and she waved big to the crowd. When the show was over, she saw me and recognized me from earlier. She thanked me for the tip on American Adventure.
She did not, however, thank me for her so-called Magical Moment.
I can't say that I blame her.
On our last night in Disney World, after we'd watched Wishes! from our balcony for the last time, we headed down to the 4th floor to let the girls run around and burn off some energy. Wishes! was early that night so it was about 9:20 when we got to the 4th floor. Mrs. Z and I sat on a bench and let them run around. There's a round bench between BVG and Fantasia on the Concourse. And my girls, who had spent a week enjoying Space Mountain and Small World, were having the time of their lives running and bouncing on the round cushioned bench. Arguably, they could have this kind of fun anywhere I suppose. Only I can't think of many places we'd let them run around with this much abandon.
The Concourse is Disney World. The cavernous atrium. The Big Mickey Ears which form the entrance to Fantasia. The music from Chef Mickey's. The Monorail whizzing through just above you. And the memories of hundreds of times you've walked through there on your way to someplace else.
My girls had fun.
Which is exactly what I work hard for 50 weeks out of the year.
But as my wife and I sat and watched them play, being mindful of their surroundings and frequently reminding them to be careful, we did what we do on the last night of our trip. We talked about what worked and what didn't. What we'd do differently and whether we really weren't coming back next year. We talked about whether to try to squeeze in another park day before we left. Our plan called for it.
But we decided not to.
We were done.
Not in a bad way. We weren't over done. Just finished. Full. Not Thanksgiving full. But satisfied.
So our last day I secured a late check out and we slept in. And enjoyed the view while we packed. But as we finished up our packing and did our double and triple checking of drawers and closets, I noticed my oldest daughter who is too much her father's daughter.
Sitting on the floor, staring out the glass doors of our balcony. Crying. She was not ready to leave her Disney World.

She'd heard me say we weren't coming back next year. So she didn't want to leave. I got down next to her and tried to assure her. "Even if we don't come back next year, honey, we'll be back soon enough. We're the ZZUBS! We'll always come back."
But if next year is a long time to a six year old, two years is even longer.
We schlepped all our bags to the lobby and loaded up the rental car and as we drove out of the Contemporary Parking lot, I shouted, "everyone say goodbye Contemporary." We had a few counter service credits left to use and Mrs. Z and I had figured out the perfect way to spend them.
We drove over to the Wilderness Lodge and had lunch at our old friend Roaring Fork. ZZUBY's face lit up when she realized we weren't leaving Disney World just yet. She loves her some Lodge, too.
We walked into the lobby and headed down the familiar ramp to the Fork. The Lodge felt like coming home and knowing we were headed for a good burger made us all happy. Lunch was good and relaxing. A CM came over and invited ZZUBY to join in a cookie decorating deal. ZZUBY heard "cookies" and was out of her seat faster than President Obama could abandon the thin veneer of centrism he wore during the transition. We had plenty of time to kill before we had to head to my sister's house. So kill time we did.
We walked around the Lodge and visited the Merc. And then we hung out on those couches in front of Whispering Canyon for a spell. Listening to the music. Smelling the air. Savoring. Digesting. ZZUBY ran up to play with the Lincoln Logs and because she was there, she got picked to open Whispering Canyon for dinner. That's right, we weren't guests of the Lodge, nor diners at Whispering Canyon, but ZZUBY rang the dinner bell and helped shout, "COME AND GET IT!"
She even scored her a certificate.
It was all pretty magical to her.
And so that's it. That's all there is to say about this, our most recent trip to Disney World. Perhaps it is our last trip for a while. In the current economy, it seems somewhat frivolous to be spending the kind of coin a Disney vacation requires when uncertainty lingers heavy in the air. Especially when we've done it six years in a row.
We love Disney World, it's true. We love so much about the experience. And because we've gotten to experience it so much, and so fully, I have the sense that if it'll be ok if we don't go back there this year or even the next.
We've come full circle. From the trip in August 2001 when we were praying for a baby and found out only after we got home that we were expecting ZZUBY. Her first trip to Disney World in 2003, a three day trip at All Star Movies. Back again in April 2004 to celebrate her 2nd birthday, the trip that spawned the Battle For My Wallet. September 2005 was our first foray into Free Dining and a relaxing week at PORiverside. The trip in 2006 was the trip we weren't supposed to take. The trip that came after the summer of our discontent. And a night in the emergency room made us wonder whether it was all happening again. But we got to go back in 2007 and introduce Baby ZZUB to our Disney World. And so finally this year, when we stayed in the Contemporary with a view of the Magic Kingdom, it felt like we were completing something.
Something that started with me and my Dad 36 years ago.
Now I've carried it on with my children. I've got years of pictures and video, souvenirs and Trip Reports to remind us of the great vacations we've enjoyed as a family. And even if I didn't have those tangible things, I have the memories and images burned in my mind. And there's nothing uncertain about that.